


“美丽中国,我是行动者”— 第二十届全国中学生水科技发明比赛安徽省赛暨合肥市选拔赛活动,是为提高我省青少年水生态环境保护和水资源节约意识及科技创新能力,引导青少年积极参与水生态环境保护和国家节水行动,经水利部宣传教育中心批准举办。 此项比赛活动是教育部2021-2022学年面向中小学生的全国性竞赛活动之一(教监管厅函〔2021〕7号)。

"Beautiful China, I am an Actor" -- the 20th National High School Students Water Technology Invention Competition in Anhui Province and Hefei City Selection Competition is to improve the awareness of water ecological environment protection and water resource conservation, to create scientific and technological innovation ability of young people in our province, guide young people to participate in water ecological environment protection and national water-saving action actively, approved by the Publicity and Education Center of the Water Resources Ministry.

在此次比赛中,我校中学部卓扬班学子在姜黎黎老师的指导下, 在发明创新和宣传创意单元斩获三个二等奖,一个三等奖,三个优秀奖的优异成绩,展现了不俗的风采!

In this competition, under the guidance of Teacher Lily, the students in Zhuoyang won three second prizes, one third prize and three excellence awards in the unit of Invention, innovation and publicity creativity, showing a good demeanor!



We are greatly encouraged by our students' outstanding performance in this competition. This is not only a reflection of their personal efforts and talents, but also evidence of the effectiveness of science technology education at our school. We encourage more students to participate in such technology competitions to inspire their passion for future technology.


Looking forward to create more opportunities for our students to showcase their talents and creativity. We will continue to strengthen Science and technology education, improve students' technological literacy and problem-solving skills, to help them betterly meet the challenges of the future.


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